Unleash the Power of AI and Machine Learning! Experience the ultimate platform for cutting-edge technology.
Zeus2Q and edge AI computing innovation technology is the start of a new era of customizable personal humanoid robots.
System Technology Works is changing how people learn programming. Our mission is to empower individuals with the ability to design the future using Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence. With Zeus2Q, our advanced humanoid robot, you can create:
A revolutionary education tool (suitable for middle, high school and college students)
Full AI companion, utilizing AI and LLM on the edge
Animatronics framework
AI research tool
This game-changing technology allows your imagination to take control.
Zeus2Q is a stand-alone system that harnesses the power of Edge AI computing, enabling it to perform localized AI tasks like communication, facial, and object recognition on the edge. This capability expands its usefulness across various environments, making it versatile and efficient. From reading your calendar to fetching the weather by voice command it can hold a smart conversation due to its edge AI. Zeus2Q is not a fixture but a personal high-level conversational, and interactive humanoid robot.